Track & Field
We compete in two leagues in Track and Field over the summer, the EAL and the EYAL. There is also the County Championships and other competitions which can be entered over the season, which we inform about over the year. These leagues and events cater towards all age groups and abilties; the right level of competition is available to everyone.
East Anglian League (EAL)
Is for all age groups from U11 to Senior level. Athletes compete in their own age group, with the totals aggregated to give an overall match result. There are 4 league matches, as above, with the top 8 teams progressing to the final in September. For the 2020 season we are joining West Norfolk AC as a composite team. We wear our Dereham red vests.
Eastern Young Athletes League (EYAL)
Is for age groups U13, U15 and U17. 25 clubs in the East take part in a 5 fixture event, with the top 6 progressing to the final in September. For the 2020 season again we are part of composite Team Norfolk, comprising of Ryston Runners, Great Yarmouth AC and West Norfolk AC. We wear yellow and red vests.
QuadKids Clubs promotes competition in athletics clubs throughout England with inter and intra-club competitions and athletic network leagues and events. Targeting under 9 and 11 age groups this is a perfect stepping stone encompassing all the key aspects of athletics; endurance, speed, agility and strength.
East Anglian League Fixtures
Composite team with West Norfolk AC - Dereham Runner vests to be worn.
24/05/20 - Norwich UEA Sportspark (NR4 7TJ) - Round 1
21/06/20 - Kings Lynn Lynnsport (PE30 2NB) - Round 2
19/07/20 - Peterborough Embankment Track (PE1 5BW) - Round 3
09/08/20 - Norwich UEA Sportspark (NR4 7TJ) - Round 4
06/09/20 - Bury St Edmunds (IP33 3TT) - League Final
Eastern Young Athletes League
Composite team in Team Norfolk - Yellow vests to be worn (provided by DRAC)
03/05/20 - Thurrock (Rm16 2QT) - Round 1
31/05/20 - Bedford (MK41 9SB) - Round 2
28/06/20 - Norwich (NR4 7TJ) - Round 3
26/07/20 - Bedford (MK41 9SB) - Round 4
23/08/20 - Peterborough (PE1 5BW) - Round 5
13/09/20 - TBC - Finals